WebSite X5 Evo and Pro
Having a well managed Blog is a great advantage for any Company or publishing house, still it requires some efforts, as it is necessary to create valuable, original and interesting contents, as well as a certain level of organization to regularly publish new articles.
To make the most out of a Blog, it is necessary to find and increase the audience.
If you find yourself in this situation, you have many activities you can undertake. Google is for sure your number one ally: in fact, by employing some SEO strategies, this search engine will become an important way to make your Blog known and appreciated by an audience of engaged readers.
Here are 10 SEO tips for your Blog:
- Focus on quality contents
- Publish new contents regularly
- Create smart URLs for every single post
- Define the Title tag for your posts
- Pay attention to the Description metatag
- Don't forget about the Keywords
- Define the Headings for your posts
- Optimize your images
- Create a link network
- Enjoy the help the Artificial Intelligence can offer you
1. Focus on quality contents.
We should start off by saying this: creating contents optimized for search engines and writing texts optimized for the readers are basically the same thing. People land on your blog when they are looking for answers, and Google favors the websites which provide useful information. So, before thinking about any tags and keywords, you should really focus on creating valuable and high-quality contents which will be helpful for your readers: Google will know and will reward you.
2. Publish new contents regularly
There isn't a precise rule about this, but generally readers appreciate it when new contents are regularly published on a Blog. Don't wait too much until you publish a new article, so you won't lose the gained interested. Still, don't publish too often either, so you won't exhaust all subjects right away.
3. Create smart URLs for every single post
En effective URL has two main characteristics: it's short (3-5 words) and it contains the post main keyword. That's what you need to do to define the post URL:
- Go to Step 1- Website Settings > Blog > Contents, select the post you want to work on an click on Edit to open the Post Setting window.
- Open the SEO section and add your URL in the Page URL field.
4. Define the Title tag for your posts
The Title tag is one of the most important ways for Google to understand what a post is about, that's why you really need to pay attention to it.
Don't forget the Title tag isn't the post title: that is the heading H1. The Title tag is displayed in the SERP instead, i.e. the page reporting the Google search results.
You can write a good Title tag by using the post main keyword and writing a Title between 30 and 60 characters. Report different Title tags for each post and insert it in this way:
- Open the Post Setting window and go to the SEO section.
- Activate the Tag 'Title' option and report your title.
If you don't activate this option, the <title> tag will automatically take on the post Title you reported in the General section.
If you are working with the Pro edition you have an option more:
- Go to Step 1 - WebSite Settings > Statistics, SEO and Code and access the SEO section.
- Report the format for your Blog post Title tags.
5. Pay attention to the Description metatag
The Description metatag doesn't directly affect the page ranking, however it is important too: it's the text which is reported in the SERP snippets, so it needs to persuade the users to click and visit your website instead of others'.
Provide a persuasive description for each Blog post, sum up the contents in 150/160 words, then insert it in this way:
- Open the Post Setting window and go to the SEO section.
- Report your text in the Tag ‘Description’ field.
If you don't activate this option, the Description tag will automatically take on the post Caption you reported in the General section.
6. Don't forget about the Keywords
Even if Google doesn't consider the Keywords metatag any longer, other search engines like Bing or Yahoo still do. Because of this, in addition to using keywords for your contents and reporting other tags, you could also report the metatag Keywords for every post you write on your Blog:
- Open the Post Setting window and go to the SEO section.
- Report your list of keywords in the Tag ‘Keywords’ field.
7. Define the Headings for your posts
Heading tags are used to organize the text into paragraphs: people rely on titles and subtitles to better understand what they read, and search engines use them to correctly interpret the contents. The <h1> title is used for the page title, followed by the <h2>, <h3> tags until <h6>: you should focus on following this hierarchy even visually, with the <h1> tag being bigger than <h2> and so on. Obviously, you should report one or more keywords in the <h1> title.
If you are working with the Pro edition, you should follow these steps:
- Go to Step 1 - WebSite Settings > Statistics, SEO and Code and access the SEO section.
- Set None for the Automatic heading tag management option.
- Activate Set H1...H6 tag for the Template Heading.
- Go back to Blog > Post Setting>Contents so to work on the desired post.
- Using the text editor elect a title and use the specific menu to apply the style Heading 1 e the corresponding H1 heading tag
- Follow the same steps for the other headings.
On the other hand, the options to manage the Heading tags aren't available in the Evo edition. Still, you can manually add them as code within the text:
- Go to Blog > Post Setting so to open the post editor.
- Click on the
Enable HTML Code button
- Include the titles within the specific tags, for example <h1>Title</h1>.
8. Optimize your images
A part from the cover image, your posts should include one or more images: they make the page nicer, ease the reading and help the ranking on search engines. Make the most out of them:
- optimize the weight and size of the images you use, so they don't slow down the page loading speed;
- rename the images with the keywords you want to work on;
- provide for each image a Title and ALT text where you report the keywords.
Follow these steps to provide the Title and ALT tag for the images of your posts:
- Access the Contents section of the Post Setting window.
- Right-click on the image to open the Image Properties window.
- Report a title and an alternative text in the specific fields.
9. Create a link network
Links are useful because they show Google the real value of your pages. First of all, you need to create a good internal link network by connecting related contents: this is useful for your readers and for the search engines as well. Then, you need to have some external links: depending on the number and on how authoritative the websites making reference to your blog are, Google will understand the value of your own contents. Finally, don't forget to link other websites as well: in this way, Google will understand that there's a relationship between your pages and other websites. In return, you will be likely to have your blog linked on other portals as well.
In order to create an internal link you need to:
- Select the post you want to link and click on Edit so to open the Post Setting window: note down the page URL.
- Now select the post where you want to set the link and access the Post Setting window.
- Select the words you want to place the link on and click on the
- In the Link windows, select the File or URL action, activate the URL option and paste the URL of the page you want to link.
- Set that the linked post must be opened within the same window.
You can follow the same procedure for external links as well. You can also report the sources with the options available on Post Setting > Sources.
10. Enjoy the help the Artificial Intelligence can offer you
It's not always easy to find the right idea for the subject you want to cover, for an article you need to write or create effective texts with the necessary optimizations. To avoid the famous writer's block, you can rely on MagicText, the Artificial Intelligence-based text generation assistant integrated in WebSite X5 Pro (starting from version 2023.2) and in WebSite X5 Agency.
With MagicText, you can:
- find new ideas for your articles and write them more quickly: in this way, you will be more productive and keep, or even increase, your publication frequency;
- write a title and a caption for your articles, which are two important elements for your SEO;
- find the best suiting tags to describe the article;
- write the actual article contents: with the help of the AI, the overall quality of the text will but improve;
- write Title, Description and Keywords tags to improve your SEO.
To open MagicText, you just need to click on the button available in the field where you need to add th text. Report a rdescription of the text you need: MgicText will write it for you.
#tip - For more information, see What's MagicText and how can I use it to generate text contents
A final tip for you. The perfect content doesn't exist: there is always enough room for changes and improvements. You should consider your post as an open worksite and update it with contents, links, information or tags anytime you feel the need to. The result will be worth the effort.