WebSite X5 Evo and Pro
Emojis are part of our daily life, to the extent that more than 90% of people actively use them when texting. After all, these pictographic symbols representing faces, people, objects and situations help us better convey our messages by providing an emotional connotation.
Have you ever thought about adding emojis on your web pages too? With the OpenMoji Icons Object you can do that: choose among more than 3000 emojis available in the OpenMoji library and select the perfect icon to integrate with your texts, so to make a friendly impression on your visitors and make your website misunderstanding-proof. Check out some examples on the Preview page and find out what you can do.
- Double-click the Object you added on the page to access the settings window.
- Use the Category, Subcategory and Icon menus to select the wished emoji. By clicking the
button, you can also enter a Title and Alternative Text to associate with the icon. These parameters are useful for both accessibility and SEO optimization of the page (see Image accessibility: the importance of alternative text).
- The icons can be monochrome or colorful. In the latter case, if you want to use a person emoji, you can select the skin tone too.
- You can now define the Size in pixel, the Margin and the Object Background color. If you are going to use a colored background, you can work on the Rounded Corners, so the icon better fits on the page.
- Before concluding, you can select an entrance Effect.
- Finally, if you want your icon to be a real button, click on
to open the Link windows and select the wished Action.
- Click Ok when you are happy with the result.
Are you curious to use this Object on your website pages? Install OpenMoji Icons now
You don't have enough Credits to buy this Object? Check out our Credit Packs.
#tip - Icons are perfect for the design of your pages and you are currently looking for new solutions? Check out Font Awesome Icons, Icons8 Win10 Icons, Vivid Icons and Phosphor Icons too.