
WebSite X5 Evo and Pro

Icons can be very useful  in the definition of a page layout. They are light and scalable - which is always good!- they perfectly support the text and, finally, they can be easily converted into clickable buttons. If you agree, you will love the Phosphor Icon Optional Object, because you can access to a rich library of icons: they suit any occasions. Don't you belive this?  Check out some examples on the Preview page and unleash your creativity.

Font Icon: what it is and why you should use it

It's as simple as that: an Icon Font is a web font which represents an icon instead of a regular font. Icon Fonts are more and more used in the App and website development because they are:

  • light, they have a small size;
  • vector and scalable with no quality loss;
  • compatible with most browsers and screen readers for blind people;
  • manageable via CSS (Cascading Style Sheets).

How to add an icon

  • Double-click the Phosphor Icons Object you added on the page to open the settings window.
  • Open the wished Category and use the Icon menu to select the icon to use. Clicking the button also allows you to enter a Title and Alternative Text to associate with the icon. These are useful for accessibility as well as for the SEO optimization of the page (see Image accessibility: the importance of alternative text).
  • Once you've chosen the icon, you can define the Type, i. e. how thick the icon should be, as well as the Color.
  • Set the Object Size expressed in pixels and the Margin expressed as a percentage of the overall size.
  • Define the icon Color and the Object background. If you have a colored background you can set some rounded corners for a better final effect.
  • Add an Effect on mouseover by choosing among the available ones. 
  • You can use the icon as a button by selecting the button and choose the Action you want to be performed on click in the Link window.
  • Click OK when you are happy with the result.

Are you curious to use this Object on your website pages? Install Phosphor Icons now

You don't have enough Credits to buy this Object? Check out our Credit Packs.

#tip - Icons are just the perfect solution for your website design and you want some more? Check out the Font Awesome Icons, Icons8 Win10 Icons, Vivid Icons and OpenMoji Icons Objects.