
WebSite X5

WebSite X5 offers a unique opportunity: using a single license to create as many websites, blogs and online shops as you want, not only for you, but also for your business or friends. 

Let's make some examples. With your Pro license, you could create a personal blog where you share your journey experiences, the online shop for the store where you work and the website for your son's basketball team. This list could go on and on. You can do all this with no fees, not even if you build an online shop. And it's the same if you own an Evo instead of a Pro: you can still create unlimited websites. 

If, however, you are a freelancer or a web agency that not only creates websites for others, but also sells them, you need to take a step further and choose the Agency edition (introduced with version 2024.3). The Agency edition is in fact the only one that, on top of allowing the creation of unlimited website, also includes the commercial license you need to resell them. 

Use cases

As mentioned, the Agency edition is necessary when you create content (e.g., creating and/or modifying a website) for third parties with whom you have commercial relationships (e.g., payment as compensation for the services provided).

Here are some examples:

  • Case #1 - User A creates a website for themselves or their activity. User A doesn't need the Agency edition.


  • User A creates their company website.
  • User A creates their company website and a website about their hobby
  • Case #2 -  User A creates and/or edits a website for User B. There is a commercial relationship between User A and User B. User A has to use the Agency.


  • User B doesn't own a WebSite X5 license and asks User A to create or edit their website. User A requests a payment for the service.
  • User B owns a WebSite X5 license and asks User A to create or edit their website.  User A requests a payment for the service.
  • Case #3 - User A creates or edits a website for User B. There isn't any commercial relationship between user A and user B. For example, User B is User A's acquaintance or family member. User A doesn't need the Agency edition


  • User A creates their company website and keeps the website of the organization they collaborate with updated (an ONG, a parish, a dog shelter, etc.).

Use of templates

The Agency edition not only offers the possibility of creating templates from scratch, but also a gallery of 200 professional templates: among these, 50 are real ready-to-customize mini-website, structured and designed in any detail. 

The commercial license of the Agency edition stipulates that all included templates (including the ones purchased additionally from the Marketplace) can be freely used to build websites for sale to third parties.

License validity

Just like Evo and Pro, the Agency license lasts 12 months from the activation date: for this period of time you can get all the updates and new versions we release. When it is expiring, you will be able to extend your license for a further 12 months. If you don't, the software will keep working normally, but you won't be able to update it anymore. Even in this case, you will still be able to keep selling the websites you create.

For users of a version previous to 2024.3

The Agency license was introduced with version 2024.3 of WebSite X5 with the aim of creating a range of solutions in which each plan has a distinct identity and solves specific needs. 

Before, we never explicitly mentioned the concept of commercial license for selling websites, and it was possible to do so regardless of the edition in use.

Because of this, if you are still using a version previous to 2024.3, you can sell your websites created with an Evo or Pro license. Starting from version 2024.3, on the other hand, you can sell your websites only if you use an Agency license. 

We suggest you to keep the software updated by switching to the Agency edition: being able to rely on software tools that are always up-to-date is vital for any professional to ensure safety, operational efficiency, compatibility with the latest technologies, and to offer their clients state-of-the-art solutions.