
WebSite X5 Pro

A product of your e-commerce catalog could not be available for a certain period of time: it could be out of stock for a while, but as soon as enough items will be available,  you will put it back on sale. 

How can you temporarily stop selling a product? It's easier than you think:

  • Go to Step 1- Website Settings > E-Commerce and stay in the Products section.
  • In the table reporting all the products you have in your catalog, select the wished product.
  • Click on the Hide button.

Now that the product is hidden, it won't be displayed:

  • on the product cards;
  • on the product pages;
  • on the product search page;
  • on the general search page.

A hidden product won't then be visible or searchable on the whole website, and it won't be displayed in the local preview either. 

In any case, ad hidden product is still connected to the project: that means you will just have to select it and click on the Hide button for it to be available on your store, so you can start again selling it.