
WebSite X5 Pro

Think about all the online shops you know. Now just think about those you actually have been placing orders on. What's the difference between these two groups?

There are many factors that can bring customers to put their trust on an online shop. In this article, we will focus on one of the most important ant yet often forgotten aspects: the quality of product pages. 

We will see what the Product Pages are, why they are so important and how they need to be structured in order to be efficient. And of course we will find out how to create Product Pages with WebSite X5.

What's a Product Page and why is it important

Generally speaking, all e-commerce stores have a rather simple structure: they have a Home Page, some pages reporting the main categories that can be used to "handle traffic" and pages with product sheets.

A Product Sheet is therefore nothing more than a page reporting a description of an item for sale. Usually it has a rather standard setup and aims to convince the customers to proceed with the purchase by providing them with all the information they may need.

The Product Page is therefore where the game is played: this is where the person you have found, convinced to visit your site and informed, finally turns into a customer by placing the order. You will surely agree that, given the role it plays, it is important to pay particular attention to the creation of the Product Page.

Elements of a Product Page

Given that the Product Pages are crucial in order to close a sale, the question then is: what are the elements that cannot be missing? Let's see them together.

A good Product Page should include

  • the title: the customers must be sure about what they see and what they buy; 
  • the product image: the"hero image", a high quality image which is big enough  to attract the customers' attention and create a bond with them;
  • an image gallery: images are important because they show the product in different perspectives and in details. Don't forget you can report both images and videos.
  • a brief description: that's what you would say to a customer to briefly present the product; 
  • a  technical sheet: i. e. all those details which can convince the customers that that's exactly the product they were looking for;
  • the product characteristics: a more long and detailed description. If the customers have reached this point, then they're really interested finally making the purchase; 
  • the related products: you now have the attention of your customers, don't miss the chance and show them other products they might find interesting;
  • the customers' reviews: social proof is a powerful factor. Knowing that others have positively reviewed a product can break down the customers' latest resistance and convince them to click on the "Buy" button;
  • the social sharing buttons: taking advantage of the tendency of customers to share the products they like is a smart way to promote yourself; 
  • the call to action: last but not least, the "Buy" button. The whole page has been constructed in order to ring the customers to click on it. 

In reality, it is not only important that the elements listed above are not missing, it is also strategic to position them correctly. Consider that many will only see the top of the page, but it is important that everyone finds the information they want  as well as the "Buy" button. How, then, to create a Product Sheet page?

How to set up the automatic generation of Product Pages

Of course, with WebSite X5 you are free to create all the pages necessary to present your products one by one and to use all the Objects available to insert any type of content: texts, images, videos, galleries, tables, etc.

If you have many products, however, you would need too much time to create all these pages manually. With WebSite X5 you can save time and effort by making sure that the program automatically creates the Product Pages for all the products you want.

To have the Product Sheets created, proceed as follows:

  • Go to Step 1 - Settings > Shopping Cart > Products, select the product you want to work on (or add a new one) and click on the Edit button (or double-click on it) so to access the Product Settings window.
  • If you have not already done so, enter all the details you want to provide: name, price, images, description, options, etc. You can write descriptions with the help of MagicText, the Artificial Intelligence-based text generation assistant available in WebSite X5 Pro (starting from version 2023.2) and in WebSite X5 Agency. Click on the button, report the description of the text you want to get, and the text will be generated before your eyes.
  • Open Details section and check that link to Product Page is set up.
  • Repeat these steps for all the Products you want to create a Product Page for.
  • To proceed faster, make a multiple selection of the products using the CTRL or SHIFT keys, open the Product Settings window, set the link to the Product Page and click on the Apply the changes of this section to all selected products option.

#tip - Do you want to be sure to enter all the necessary information to create a complete Product Page like ones presented in the previous paragraph? See: How is the Product Page is composed

Now that the Product Pages have been created, on Step 3 - Sitemap you will find a new Special Page, namely E-Commerce: Product Page.

All the Product Pages have the same structure, which is optimized so to report the details reported on the Product Settings window in the best way. These pages take on most of the template settings  and are already set as responsive, so they can adapt to any mobile device. 

#tip - You can customize some aspects of the Product Page. See: How to define the graphic style of the Product Pages

How to link a Product Page

If the product pages are ready but they aren't linked on the website, it won't be possible for the customers to display them.

It depends on how you decide to organize your e-commerce, also in relation to the number of products you manage. In general, you can decide to create category pages using the Product Catalog Object or, alternatively, you can choose to provide customers with a search engine that allows them to find what best meets their needs.

Both the Product Catalog Object and the search engine use cards: by clicking on the title and / or image on the card, the customer is redirected to the Product Page.

#tip - For more information, see: How to present the products of a catalog