
WebSite X5 Pro since version 2020.2

According to the Juniper Research, within 2023 there will be more than 8 billion digital vocal assistants and, according to some sources reported by comScore, during 2020 half of the Google search queries will be performed using voice commands.

Indeed, making an oral question and listening to the answer read loud by a vocal assistance is pretty convenient.

What can we then do to use this extraordinary chance offered by the voice search for our own website?

The first step is to prepare our contents using the Speakable structured data.

Voice search and structured data 

The interest for the voice search of the Mountain View Search Engine is pretty high and the situation is still developing. So, if the Google assistant initially only reported the contents related to Google News (its search engine about the latest news), it now works for most websites and for other countries a part from the US.  

It's clear that Google uses structured data to find the answers which will be then read by its vocal assistant. Thanks to the Speakable property in particular, it can identify the parts of an article or a page which can be reproduced by the assistant. 

To make sure that your blog contents can be considered by Google for the voice search, you should:

  • consider that the users' oral questions tend to be longer and less precise: that's why you should consider longer keywords which can meet the users' searches;
  • report some parts within a text which, if read in 20-30 seconds, can give a clear and precise answer for a specific question;
  • mark this text parts with the Speakable structured data.


In WebSite X5  

In WebSite X5, the Speakable structured data are used for the Blog articles. 

For each article, to improve the Speakable property, the texts used as Title and Description tags are taken into consideration (if not reported, the Title and Caption of the article will be considered)

To prepare your articles for the voice search you then need to:

  • Activate the Add Structured Data option on Step 1> Website settings > SEO > Structured Data.
  • Report the Title and Description tags so to offer a clear and concise answer to a possible question related to the topic covered in the article which could be read by a vocal assistant. You will find the Tag 'Title' and Tag 'Description'on the Post Settings > SEO window.