
WebSite X5 Pro

With the Pro edition of WebSite X5, you can enable the automatic user registration, so that Visitors can register themselves and immediately obtain credentials for accessing locked pages. 

To get this result you need to proceed as follows:

  • In the Access Management window on Step 1 - Website Settings, go to the Settings section.
  • Select Automatic Registration as the Registration Mode.
  • Specify an active e-mail address in the Admin e-mail address option: requests from users who have forgotten their password and/or new registration alerts will be sent to this address.
  • If you want, you can also enable the Send an e-mail to notify new users subscription option, so that the Administrator receives a message each time a new user registers.
  • Using the Enable 'Captcha' anti-spam filter option,  the "Captcha" anti-spam filter is added to the bottom of the registration form.
#tip -In the guide How to choose the CAPTCHA for your website, you will find more information about the 2 captcha systems and the steps to follow to choose which one to use in your website contact forms.
  • Finally, if you want to make sure that the e-mail addresses used by the Users are correct, you can use the Enable E-mail Address Validation option. In this way, once the registration is complete, Users will automatically receive an e-mail to the address they reported by filling out the form. The e-mail reports a confirmation link the Users will need to click to confirm the authenticity of the e-mail address. By clicking on the link, the e-mail address is validated and the registration is complete. If the Users don't click on the link, the registration will be labeled as pending.

#tip - Double opt-in. By requiring the e-mail address validation, you set the double opt-in procedure, which is required in case of subscription to newsletters or commercial communication services.

#tip - Database and project export. If you decide to export your website using the Webspace offered by WebSite X5, you don't have to do anything: the database and server connection parameters are already integrated. If, on the other hand, you choose another Provider, you will need to report them manually. Please see: How to export your website using a Hosting Service different from the one included with WebSite X5.