WebSite X5 Evo and Pro
When you surf online, you often find yourself clicking on images, buttons or texts so to open a window which displays a video or image gallery. This is a way of presenting a product in a more creative way, as well as to show the beauty of a place or report different photos sharing similar subjects.
No matter what your goal is, yo can create a link to open a gallery displayed on a ShowBox window in this way:
- Open the Link window by clicking on the
- Select the ShowBox Gallery option and use the available options to create and order the image and/or video list for the gallery.
- Set the size of the ShowBox window.
- Possibly set the thumbnails for the gallery image by activating the Show thumbnails in the ShowBox option.
#tip - In the ShowBox window the gallery image are shown in the foreground on the main page, which is then darkened and made more opaque. If you want to, you can customize the ShowBox window style.