
WebSite X5 Pro

When customers complete their order, it is important that they receive feedback reassuring and helping them conclude the order.  That's why they should receive automatic e-mail notifications, which you can customize within the software itself.

Sending a notification e-mail

You can set up the automatic notification e-mail for your store customers by following these steps:

  • Go to Step 1 - Settings > Shopping Cart > Sending Order. Now you can proceed in two ways.
  • The first method is using the Send data by e-mail option: report an E-mail Address for receiving Orders and possibly activate the Attach Order Data in CSV format option. In this way, the store will send only a notification e-mail to confirm the order and solicit the payment.
  • Use the Header and Footer Text  to customize this notification e-mail.
  • Alternatively, you can go for the second method and choose to Send data to a Database (see: How to collect order data using a database).
  • If you choose this option you can decide if you want the order confirmation e-mail to be sent before or after the payment has been processed.
  • According to your choices and to the products you sell, the store could send 4 types of notification e-mails:
    • the Order confirmation e-mail for a payment to be completed;
    • the Order confirmation e-mail with completed payment;
    • the order dispatch notification e-mail for physical products
    • the order dispatch notification e-mail for digital products.
  • Choose the notification e-mail you want to work on using the drop-down lost and customize both Header Text and Footer Text.

Order confirmation e-mail for a payment to be completed

This e-mail notifies the customer that the order has been completed but the payment still has to be processed. This is the only notification e-mail which is sent if you choose to send data by e-mail

This e-mail is made-up as follows:

Introductory text
Description:This is the text at the beginning of the e-mail. It should thank the customer for his order and summarize the contents that follow.
Example:Dear Customer,
Thank you for choosing our products.
Below you will find a summary of your order, including your purchases, invoice data, shipping data and your preferred method of payment.
Specified in:In Shopping Cart | Sending order, after choosing Order confirmation email, in the Header Text field.
Customer details
Description:This part of the e-mail repeats the invoice data that the customer entered in the order form.
Specified in:The order form can be defined in Shopping Cart > Customer Details.
Order summary
Description:This is a table that summarizes all the products that have been ordered: it gives the product quantity, partial total and total order value.
Specified in:The table is created automatically, according to the order.
Payment method
Description:This section must give the customer precise instructions on making the payment, according to the method he selected.
Example:For "Bank Transfer":
Payment must be in favor of:
Following payment, please forward us the order number and accounting copy of the Bank Transfer operation.
Specified in:In the E-mail message section of the Payment Type window.
Shipping method
Description:It should summarize the selected shipment method and give, if possible, indications on when and how the goods will be delivered, and any other information that may be useful.
Example:For "Express Delivery Service":
Shipment via Express Delivery Service. The goods will be delivered within 1-2- working days.
Specified in:In the E-mail message section of the Shipping Type window.
Closing text
Description:This is a standard paragraph containing the appropriate formal phrases for closing the e-mail.
Example:If you have any queries relating to this order, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Yours faithfully, Company Name
Specified in:In Shopping Cart > Sending order, after choosing Order confirmation email, in the Footer Text field.

Order dispatch notification e-mail for digital products. 

If you sell digital products (see: How to sell ebooks and other digital products in your online store), the store will send an order dispatch notification e-mail for digital products which is composed as follows:

Introductory text
Description:This is the text at the beginning of the e-mail. It should thank the customer for his order and summarize the contents that follow.
Example:Dear Customer,
Thank you for choosing our products. Here are the links for downloading the products you have ordered.
Specified in:In Shopping Cart | Sending order, after choosing Processed order email - Digital products, in the Header Text field.
Order summary
Description:This is a summary of the purchased products. The following information is given for each one:
  • the name and photograph,
  • the link for downloading the product,
  • any necessary information on the download link.
Specified in:The list of purchased products is created automatically according to the order:
  • the name and photograph of the product are taken from the General and Image sections in the Product Settings window,
  • the download link is taken from the indications in the Product Settings | Digital product window,
  • the information on the download link is taken from the Delivery information field in the Product Settings | Digital product window.
Closing text
Description:This is a standard paragraph containing the appropriate formal phrases for closing the e-mail.
Example:If you have any queries relating to this order, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Yours faithfully, Company Name
Specified in:In Shopping Cart | Sending order, after choosing Processed order email - Digital products, in the Footer Text field.


The other notifications e-mails are made up in a similar way:  according to each type, only the necessary information will be reported.

Like all the e-mails that the Program composes and sends automatically, the order confirmation and order dispatch notification e-mails have the graphic style defined in E-mail layout.

The order confirmation and order dispatch notification e-mails are also sent in text format.