WebSite X5 Evo and Pro
Some elements in the Pages created with WebSite X5 are added automatically by the Program; they may be, for example, links and Anchors to other parts of the website, buttons in the Gallery Object, labels for the Contact Form Object, labels and text for the e-commerce shopping cart, or text that appears in the Map.
Obviously, the text that appears in these elements must be in the correct language for the website and to ensure this happens, you must:
- Open Step 1 - Website Settings > General Information window.
- Specify the first language of the website in the Content Language option.
WebSite X5 offers a number of default languages, including English, Italian and German, with the necessary translations. The default translations can be changed, and you can add or import new languages, or remove unnecessary ones. To do this, you can:
- Click on the
button next to the Content Language option.
- Use the options presents in the Language Content Management window.
How to change existing automatic text
Examples of text that is added automatically by the Program are the labels on the "Send" button at the bottom of contact forms.
Imagine you have selected "English" as the Content Language, and you want to change the "Send" label:
- In the Language Content Management window, click on "EN - English" to display the text elements in English that are already present in the translation table.
- In the first column of the table, look for the "form_submit" item, which is the label for the button you want to change. Move along the row to the corresponding cell in the English language column. Double-click on the cell to make the cursor appear: delete the word "Send" and type the new one.
- Close the window: your changes will be saved automatically.
How to add a new language
If you want to create a website in a language that is not included in the list of available languages (for example, Portuguese), to avoid having the automatic text added in English (which is the default language), you must add a new language to the list. With the right language skills, adding a new language is easy:
- In the Language Content Management, click on the
Add a new Language button and type "PT - Português" in the dialog box that is shown. This new entry will appear at the bottom of the list of available languages.
- Click on "PT - Português" to display the column for this language in the translation table.
- Type in the translations for each item and then close the window when you have finished: this automatically saves your work.
- Set "PT - Português" as Content Language in the Website Settings window.
How to export/import a language
If you need to develop a website on two different computers in a language that is not catered for by the Program, you can export the new language created on one of the computers and import it on the other.
- On the first computer, select the new language from the list of available languages and click on the
Export the selected Language button: a .XML file with the new language will be saved in the specified folder.
- Move the .XML file to another computer.
- Open the Program and go to the Language Content Management window. Click on the
Import a new Language button to select the .XML file to import.
#tip - If the imported language is already in the list, it will not be duplicated, but any new items will be added and modified items will be updated.