WebSite X5 Evo and Pro
We know it: you have a PDF file and you'd like to display it on your website. There are different ways of doing this, the simplest way is to use the PDF File Object. Check out some examples on this Preview page.
How to display a PDF file on your web page
- Double-click on the PDF File Object you added on the page to open the settings window.
- Choose if you want to display it using Google Viewer or iframe.
- Import the PDF file: it could be an online or a locally stored file.
- Set the Object height expressed in pixels.
- Click OK when you're happy with the result.
Alternative solutions
If you want to make a PDF file available on your website, you can proceed in many equally good ways to do so. Your choice depends then on your necessities:
- Use the Flipbook Object if you want to display your PDF file as if it were a magazine.
- Use the Download Button Object if you want your visitors to download the PDF file.
- Use either the Animated Button Object or the Hover Button Object if you want to create a button which opens the PDF file.
- Use the File or URL action in the Link window if you want to create a link which open the PDF file (see: How to create a link to a PDF, PowerPoint or other document).
Are you curious to use this Object on your website pages? Install PDF File now: it's free