
WebSite X5 Evo and Pro

That's how it works: you scroll down your website page, until you see a nice, possibly full width image in the foreground. If you keep scrolling, the page doesn't move, but a new image is displayed instead: the transition from one image to the other occurs with a pleasant effect. If you keep on scrolling, you will see all the other images of the gallery and, only after there are no more left, you will go back scrolling down the page.

It's an elegant and efficient way of focussing your users' attention on the images. And you can do this pretty easily with the Fullscreen Scroll Slider Object: use it to show off your products, your shop, bar or restaurant. Check out some examples on the Preview page.

How to set up the gallery

  • Double-click the Fullscreen Scroll Slider Object you added on the page to access the settings window.
  • Click on Add to open the File Selection window and import the wished image file.
  • Repeat these steps for all the images you need.
  • If necessary, use the Remove button to remove the selected file from the list, or use the dedicated buttons to rearrange the file order.


How to define the graphic style

  • Stay in the Fullscren Scroll Slider section to define the Background Color.
  • Then set up the transition Color effect: you can choose among Sepia, Black and White and Opacity.
  • Finally, define the Transition effect as well as a possible Zoom effect.

How to add links on the images

  • Select the wished file from the Image List.
  • Click on the button to open the Link window and select the wished action.
  • Repeat these steps for all the images you need to add a link on.

Users will be able to click to access the linked contents by hovering the mouse on the gallery images.

#tip - Looking for alternatives? Check out the Scroll Gallery Hor or Scroll Image Hor Optional Objects.  

Are you curious to use this Object on your website pages? Install Fullscreen Scroll Slider now.

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