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If you want to make your pages more modern and offer your visitors a more immersive experience on your website, then you should go for the parallax effect! With this effect the background and the image move at different speed while scrolling down the page. This generates an illusion of three-dimensionality and attracts the attention of the viewers.

We have already mentioned this topic on a previous article, where the parallax effect was used to create horizontal bands on the page. Now, with the Parallax Image Object, you can apply this effect on a single image as well. On the Preview page you can see some examples. 


How to set the parallax effect

Once you get the  general idea, applying the parallax effect to an image is really simple:

  • Double-click on the Parallax Image Object you've added on the page to open the settings window.
  • First import the image file, define how to align it and set its Height.
  • Use the Link option to set a link on the image by selecting the most appropriate action. 
  • Now you can activate the parallax effect by selecting the wished effect:
    • Parallax: the background image moves in the same direction as the contents; 
    • Inverted Parallax:  the background image moved in the opposite direction;
    • Fixed Parallax: the background image moves at the same speed as the contents, so it seems it stays fixed. 
    • Finally, set a mouseover Effect, by defining how the image should change from the Initial and to the Final Status

Are you curious to use it on your web pages? Install the Parallax Image Object now

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