
WebSite X5 Evo and Pro from version 2020.2

Having much text to show and little available space: typical, isn't it? An efficient way  to solve this issue is to organize the text into paragraphs and let the visitors choose the section they want to read and hide the rest simply by selecting the relative titles. To make it easy, you should use the Accordion Text & FAQ Object, just  like we did in our FAQ-section for the Nutri Advisor  template. More examples are available on this Preview page.

Do you want to find out how to use the Accordion Text & FAQ Object? Check out this short video or keep reading the article.

How to add texts

For best results, use the Accordion Text & FAQ Object for text that is organized into sections, each with a title: like a FAQ list, a glossary, etc... So that every section of text corresponds to a block and has both a title and a body.

  • Double-click the Accordion Text & FAQ Object you inserted to display the window with all the setting.
  • Within the Content section, select Text Block 1 from the list.
  • Type in the Title and the Text in the appropriate fields.
  • Repeat these steps to insert all the other blocks of text:  you can add up to 15 boxes.
  • If necessary, you can also specify Button Text and a Link: this adds a button after the text.

How to define the graphic style

You can easily configure the appearance of your Accordion Text & FAQ Object and all the elements it contains in order to best suit your site's overall design: 

  • Open the Style tab and use the options in the General section to define: 
    • The Object's general Style by choosing from one of the options;
    • The Primary Color (used for the title boxes and the active boxes) and the Secondary Color (used for the text boxes and boxes that are not active), as well as their respective Opacities;
    • The default display settings. Using the open box at start up option, you can decide whether all the blocks should be closed when the page is first displayed, if only the first block should be opened, or if they should all be open. 
  • Now use the options of the Box Style to set the Distance between blocks, as well as the Rounded Corners, Shadow, and Thickness of the borders. Note that if you remove the spacing between each block, the bevel and shadow will be applied to the Object as a whole rather than to individual blocks.
  •  Finally, you can define the appearance of the individual elements that make up the Accordion Text & FAQ Object: 
    • select the Element you want to customize: Title, Text, or Button;
    • use the options available for each element: Font Type, Text Color, Alignment, Margins, etc. 
  • When you're satisfied, click on the check mark button to confirm. 

How to insert structured data into your FAQ

If you're working with Pro edition, you have access to a few useful SEO options. 

First, you can specify which header tags to associate with your block titles. 

Then, insert the structured data made available by for FAQ Pages into your page's code. To do this, follow these steps:

  • Go to Step 1 - Settings > Advanced > WebSite Optimization, SEO > Structured Data and make sure that the Add Structured Data option is turned on.
  • Then double-click on the Accordion Text & FAQ Object to return to the properties window, and make sure that the Activate Structured Data for FAQ Pages option is also turned on.

#tip -  Remember that structured data is only available with Pro edition, as of version 2020.2. Only use the Activate Structured Data for FAQ Pages option if you are using the Accordion Text & FAQ Object to create the FAQ section. For more information, visit: How to use structured data for FAQ Pages Alternatives.

Are you curious to use this Object on your website pages? Install Accordion Text & FAQ now

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